26th February 2011, SRB's upper primary pupils doing mass dance aerobic. Promoting a healthy and active Life style.
Mass Aerobic
26th February 2011, SRB's upper primary pupils doing mass dance aerobic. Promoting a healthy and active Life style.
Lustering Maulud for SRB
A colourful, glistering assembly in the Hall.
Performances from our Year 3, a splendid acapella cover version of Maher Zain's Chosen one
A very Motivational talk about the life of the prophet and his teaching that we should all learn from his great example by Ustaz Isham bin Ismail.
Pengajaran yang dapat kita ambil daripada ceramah tersebut adalah:
1. Jika kita membuat satu kebajikan hatta sekecil mana pun kebaikan tersebut , Allah akan mengurniakan pahala kepada kita.
2.Keperibadian yang perlu ada pada diri seorang pelajar itu adalah belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
3. Rasulullah SAW adalah sebagai contoh & terladan kepada semua insan. Kita patutlah mengikut ajaran , jejah langkah, sifat & keperibadian Rasulullah SAW.
4.Terdapat hikmah disebalik sunnah Rasulullah SAW ang pastinya dapat memberikan kebaikan kepada kita semua.
5. Rasulullah SAW mengajarkan kita tentang cara hidup yang bersih.
6. Sebagai umat Islam kita hendaklah mempunyai sifat tolong-menolong antara sesama insan.
7. Rasulullah SAW mengingatkan betapa pentingnya ilmu pengetahun.
8.untuk membina keperibadian kita perlu ada 3M:
- Mulai dari diri sendiri.
- Mulai dari yang kecil.
- Mulai dari saat ini.
A nasyid performances entitled "Junjungan Mulia" by the year 6's girls
A dikir Marhaban by the Year 5 & 6 boys.
Majlis Sambutan Maulidur Rasul
Hari : Khamis
Tarikh : 24 Februari 2011 / 21 Rabiuawal 1432H
Jam : 8.15 pagi
Tempat : Dewan Sekolah Rendah Bengkurong
- Guru-guru serta murid-murid masuk ke dewan.
- Penceramah Hadir
- Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah A-Fatihah beramai-ramai yang diketuai oleh Ustaz Johari bin Hj Musa.
- Persembahan Nasyid dari Murid-murid Tahun 3
- Ceramah Disampaikan oleh Penceramah undangan daripada Pusat Dakwah Islamiah.
- Persembahan Nasyid dari murid-murid Perempuan Tahun 6
- Persembahan Dikir Marhaban dari Murid-murid lelaki Tahun 5&6.
- Bacaan Doa Selamat oleh Ustaz Hj Abd Shomad bin Hj Sulaiman.
- Penyampaian Cenderamata
- Jamuan
- Majlis Bersurai
Double A - Champions!!
Primary Level Badminton Tournament, Brunei IV.
Here are our school's Male Double Team,
Mohd Aminuddin bin Masri & Ahmad Aizat bin Md
@ "The Double A"
Before the match, the boys did their usual warm-up to keep them occupied while we waited for the time. Its a simple warm-up where we just keep hitting the shuttle back and fort and not letting it touch the floor.
Look at the size of the Sengkurong Boys... scary compared to our boys.
Sengkurong was the first to serve in the 1st set. which we ended losing.
p/s not to forget our GB was looking on and giving them his full support.
Our little Champions, celebrating their win and hard work with a can of 100plus. "CHEERS TO THE WINNER!!"
Second day with 2 matches
The Primary Level Badminton Tournament,
we celebrated 3 victories and 2 loses.
For the Quarter Final: 2 victories and 1 lose
SR Bengkurong vs SR Junjongan(winner)
Naimah may have lost to the more experiences Junjongan but this defeat was a great experience for our Heroine. Good job for making it to the Quarter Final. Here is our Heroine with her Mesmerizing smile after the game.
Male Single
SR Bengkurong (winner) vs SR NAR Menunggol
Only at the age of 8, our young Syifak was the talk of the day being the youngest player, everyone was amaze by the great skill this little boy had engraved into his system. He rallied the older Menunggol boy with a 3 set match. Losing the 1st set by only 3 points, the ever fearsome lion chased the big boy into a 3 long endurance set game victory.
SR Bengkurong (winner) vs SR Lumapas
The Double A, Amin and Aizat were performing excellently, the opponent were no match for the Double A Golden pair. They work as one helping one another to pull off a great match and a great victory. Amin almost sustained a minor injury with his miracle save but he overcome the problem and secure a leading point for the team. Aizat was like his usual happy and bouncy self till the end, excellent sportsmanship.
The Semi - Final : 1 victory and 1 lose
Male Single
SR Bengkurong vs SR Jerudong (winner)
The young Syifak was disappointed when he lost to the older and taller Jerudong boy by only 2 points after a 3 set rally match game, due to his small build he had to work twice as hard to play, and he was low on stamina & energy when he had to play 2 long endurance game with 2 older kids. He may have lose this year but this young lion had yet to mature and bare his fangs, even other schools are looking forward to his next appearance in the years to came. Most honorable victory in the hearts of the observer, do your best in the years ahead.
Male Double
SR Bengkurong (winner) vs SR Panchor MuraiThe Golden Pair, Double A did it again. They man handled the Panchor Murai team and grab themselves the victory and a ticket to the Finals. They are set to meet the experience SR Sengkurong Big Boys who made it to the top 5 teams in last year Tournament.
First day at Badminton
17thFebruary 2011
Sport School’s Gymnasium, Pulaie.
Contingences of Sr bengkurong.
Teacher in-charge: Cikgu Mohd Halmisham
Coach : Cikgu Johari
Syifak Zulkifli bin Maliki [Male single]
Naimah binti Md Jalani [Female single]
Mohd Aminuddin bin Masri [Male double]
Ahmad Aizat bin Md Kushairi [Male double]
Nurul Finna Chung binti Abdullah Faisal Chung [Female double]
Siti Shahzielawatul binti Abdullah [Female double]
Male Single | Winner |
SR Lumapas vs SR Bengkurong |
SR Bengkurong | |
Female Single | Winner |
SR Lumapas vs SR Bengkurong |
SR Bengkurong | |
Male Double | Winner |
SR Bebuloh vs SR Bengkurong |
SR Bengkurong | |
Female Double | Winner |
SR Menunggol vs SR Bengkurong |
SR Menunggol | |
Colourful Maulud March
Leading the front row are our adorable Kinder-grader. They were so adorable and cute leading the procession.
Meanwhile bringing up the rear were the YEAR 6 students chanting and singing the "selawat" as the procession proceeded.
Causing some minor traffic on the way, fortunately we safely made a U-turn at the Bengkurong Mosque before heading back to the school's ground.
What greeted us at the end of the procession were the smiling faces of our school's Kitchen helpers and Teachers with ICE COLD packet drinks. Thank You for the drinks, it was heavenly!
Peace be upon him.
In the name of Patriotism
The event started with a mass gathering in front of the school's assembly area.
The National Anthem was sang in unison as the National Flag was hoisted up at the Assembly area
Our National Flag in its glorious display, hoisted up high towards the sky and into our Hearts.
The event continues with a Prayer and a heart felt patriotic speech from Our Principal.
The Mini table flags were distributed by our Principal to the respectable class teachers. which in turn will distribute the flags to the students in the classroom.
Children admiring and loving their National Flag in one of the classroom.
“Negaraku Brunei Darussalam”
This theme emphasises on the citizens’ sense of ability besides portraying their pledge – Brunei Darussalam as their country. A sense of belonging to their country comprise of all that is related to the nation including its leadership, its government, its constitution, its law, its cultural heritage and its philosophy(MIB). It also encourages all the citizens of this nation regardless of age, origin, rank, race and religion to fulfill their responsibility as a citizen and to uphold their birthright as a Bruneian, so that this country will always be peaceful, safe and prosperous and remain as a ‘Malay Islamic Monarchy’ nation.